Women’s Budget Statement Queensland Budget 2024-25

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Women’s Budget Statement Queensland Budget 2024-25

The release of the Women’s Budget Statement, as part of the 2024-25 State Budget, shows the ongoing commitment to ensuring women are enabled and supported to live their best lives and make their best contribution to their workplace, community, and family.

The Women’s Budget Statement outlines investment in initiatives to support Queensland women and girls to succeed and prosper including for vulnerable and isolated mothers, participation in male dominated industries like the Quantum and Advanced Technologies sectors and ongoing sponsorship for events celebrating the women and girls of Queensland.

The Women’s Budget Statement also details the action being taken by the Queensland Government, as Queensland’s largest employer, to achieve pay equity and increase women’s economic security through the introduction of Reproductive Health Leave and superannuation on all Parental Leave for the first 52 weeks, whether the leave is paid or unpaid.

The Women’s Budget Statement also continues to deliver on the commitment in the Queensland Women’s Strategy 2022-27 to enhance gender–aware budgeting approaches in the Queensland Government and work to ensure gender impacts are considered in financial and policy decisions so that gender equality is elevated into the highest levels of decision making.

Creating a truly equal and inclusive Queensland where women are valued and safe requires effort across all government agencies, and the Women’s Budget Statement is confirmation of the collective commitment to gender equality.

You can read more about the programs and initiatives being funded to support the women and girls of Queensland in the 2024-25 Women’s Budget Statement [PDF 1662 KB].