We’re helping women and girls have economic security so we can become a gender equal Queensland.
Our aim
Economic security means women and girls will have a place to live and enough money to buy what they need. They can learn new skills or do training to get better jobs and earn better pay and superannuation. They’ll have the same chances to do these things as men. We’ll give more help to women who do unpaid work or who haven’t had the same chances as everyone else.
Our commitment to women and girls
The Queensland Government will:
- think about what it means for women and men when we spend money or make new laws
- help women and girls succeed in jobs men usually do
- make sure women and men have the same access to flexible work arrangements
- help women find a safe and secure place to live long term
- help girls to do more STEM subjects at school
- work with the Australian Government on what women and girls need in Queensland.
We know economic security is an ongoing concern for women. We’ve made progress in the last 5 years, but there's much more to do. You can read more about the 13 commitments we’ve made to improve economic security for women in the Queensland Women’s Strategy 2022–27 [PDF 3883.96 KB].
Our investment
Money from the 2023–24 Queensland Budget will give women more choice in coming years.
There’s special help for women:
- who want to train for jobs men often do, like construction and trades
- in business and innovation
- who are vulnerable or have a disadvantage
- with children who go to kindergarten.
Read more about funding and who it’s for in the Women’s Budget Statement 2023–24 [PDF 5917.09 KB].
Annual women’s statement
Learn more about what we’re doing in our Annual Women’s Statement 2024 [PDF 6320.28 KB].
Read about our ongoing initiatives for women and what we've achieved in our past statements.
Stories about Queensland women
Helping women succeed in business
Entrepreneur Stephanie Bofinger is the CEO and Founder of Fempro Armour. Her range of clothing and protective gear is designed prevent injury during high impact sports or activity. The Queensland Government’s program for female founders is helping Stephanie expand her business so it’s ready for investment.