Abby's story

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Abby Walsh is an inspiration. Drawn to arts and design at a young age she studied manual arts in high school. In 2014, Abby started making jewellery and began selling her products at the local Mackay market.

Her brand, Stomping Elephants, gained traction fast and it wasn’t long before demand for her jewellery was skyrocketing.

To cater for the demand, Abby set up a network of representatives around Australia who began selling jewellery to a much larger customer base.

As the business grew, so did the need for bigger and better equipment. After 2 years of managing a home business, Abby and her partner Paul moved into their factory premises in South Mackay.

The factory is home to a dedicated group of 15 employees, including a design team, a purpose-built production line and an assembly area.

Women work in most roles in graphic design, production and assembly.

Abby has recently discovered Mackay’s Manufacturing Hub. She attends LEAN workshops to discover new, efficient ways of doing things and connect with others as she continues her manufacturing journey.